SP4 Pondexteur E. Williams, 1st Air Cav, USA, was killed on August 8, 1970 at Long Khanh. I had worked with him at the Holiday Inn Restaurant out by the turnpike. He was a solid guy.
Pondexter and I had Mr. Price's class together and he sat on one side of the room and I was opposite from him on the other side. We would take turns staring at each other to see who could outlast the other. I generally got him to laugh and blink. God Bless him and all of our HERO'S in uniform!!
God, bless all our heroes who fall on the field of battle in the service of their country. Never knew Pondexter, personally, but greatly revere his sacrifice, and that of his family.
Spent last week in DC with my brother...a thirty year veteran of the Navy who did three tours in the DaNang area of VN. When we visited the Vietnam Wall, I paid my respects to Pondexter by touching his name etched in the black granite. I always thought how brave it was for him to go abroad to fight for our freedoms even at a time when he did not enjoy all of them at home. Am proud he was part of our class.
John Michael Skaggs
SP4 Pondexteur E. Williams, 1st Air Cav, USA, was killed on August 8, 1970 at Long Khanh. I had worked with him at the Holiday Inn Restaurant out by the turnpike. He was a solid guy.Mike Cheaves
Pondexter and I had Mr. Price's class together and he sat on one side of the room and I was opposite from him on the other side. We would take turns staring at each other to see who could outlast the other. I generally got him to laugh and blink.God Bless him and all of our HERO'S in uniform!!
Stephen Hill
God, bless all our heroes who fall on the field of battle in the service of their country. Never knew Pondexter, personally, but greatly revere his sacrifice, and that of his family.Joan McLean
Spent last week in DC with my brother...a thirty year veteran of the Navy who did three tours in the DaNang area of VN. When we visited the Vietnam Wall, I paid my respects to Pondexter by touching his name etched in the black granite. I always thought how brave it was for him to go abroad to fight for our freedoms even at a time when he did not enjoy all of them at home. Am proud he was part of our class.
Ken Durham
Poindexter will be forever missed by all, he was like a brother to me.
Kenneth A. Durham